Jim Roper rated it really liked it Apr 23, When the book gets around to focusing on exactly how to choose the right stocks, everything gets a little fuzzy. It is for investors who believe that «slow and steady wins the race»; if you are looking for a «get rich quick» book, this ain’t it. Amazon Second Chance Pass it on, trade it in, give it a second life. You really realize how great it is when your annual dividend payments are almost equal to what you originally paid for the initial stocks! Still I needed a book where I could have all information together and in logical order.
The Single Best Investment by Lowell Miller — free pdf
Not all books on AvaxHome appear on the homepage. In order not to miss many of snigle follow ebooks section see top of each page on AH and visit my lowell miller single best investment too :. Basic, Fortran Citing statistics that show companies initiating and raising dividends at the fastest rate in 30 years, this analysis declares once-stodgy dividends to be «the next new thing» and provides simple rules for choosing the best stocks, using traditional evaluation tools, reinvesting dividends, comparing stocks and bonds, and building a portfolio. Mil,er aspects of the stock market are explained in the final investmeng that include two new chapters and revised statistics as well as academic studies, historic back-tests, examples of real-time performance, and a list of resources for further research. Summary: very good book for beginning investors or more experienced traders Rating: 5 The author, Mr.
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Nuclear Physics: Exploring the Heart of Matter
This book makes a lot of sense by promoting attention to stocks that loeell reasonable yield, and the yields have been steadily increasing over the years. But this book opened up the right way to invest. Ethan Drower rated it it was amazing Aug 11, He tells us not to underestimate the singoe of reinvested dividends and of dividend payments, as these will continue to grow with inflation and with time. I probably like this book so much, because I have been applying these same criteria for some time, and it offers the rationale based on research for using .
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