More Like This. AMG Yacktman Fund’s 25 year track record of investing through multiple market cycles demonstrates how an investment approach focused on risk adjusted returns may help clients outperform over the long term. Envest Capital Partners.
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The majority of our risk management comes from the detailed checking and research we conduct in-house. In making our decisions we place a heavy emphasis on our contact with company managements, their competitors, their customers and our proprietary supply chain connections. Typically, our stock investments end up being concentrated into a small handful of companies within each theme — bottlenecks are not easy to find! Our time horizon for generating the expected return is at least months but the holding period may prove shorter if the return is captured more quickly. For exceptionally strong long-term growth companies we may hold a position for several years, reviewing it periodically. Under most circumstances the portfolio should not contain more than 30 stocks long and short combinedsplit across inflrction themes, with good geographical diversity and usually with a fairly heavy long-bias. We restrict ourselves to what we believe are the most interesting Emerging Growth imflection of the time.
Yacktman Fund Staying the Course — 25 Years of Investing
An inflection point is an event that results in a significant change in the progress of a company, industry, sector , economy , or geopolitical situation and can be considered a turning point after which a dramatic change, with either positive or negative results, is expected to result. Inflection points are more significant than the small day-to-day progress typically made, and the effects of the change are often well known and widespread. Based on mathematical charting models, the inflection point is where the direction of a curve changes in response to an event. To qualify, the shift must be noticeable or decisive and attributed to a particular cause. This principle can be applied to a variety of economic, business, and financial information, such as shifts in the gross domestic product GDP or changes in security prices, but it is not used in reference to normal market fluctuations that are not the result of an event. Andy Grove, Intel’s co-founder, described a strategic inflection point as «an event that changes the way we think and act.
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The majority of our risk management comes from the detailed checking and research we conduct in-house. In making our decisions we place a heavy emphasis on our contact with company managements, their competitors, their customers and our proprietary supply chain connections.
Typically, our stock investments end up being concentrated into a small handful of companies within each theme — bottlenecks are not easy to find! Our time horizon for generating the expected return is at least months but the holding period may prove shorter if the return is captured more quickly. For exceptionally strong long-term growth companies we may hold a position for several years, reviewing it periodically.
Under most circumstances the portfolio should not contain more than 30 stocks long and short combinedsplit across different themes, with good geographical diversity and usually with a fairly heavy long-bias. We restrict ourselves to what we believe are the most interesting Emerging Growth themes of the time.
Each theme must be broad enough to encompass an array of sub-themes, providing a multi-year investing opportunity. Once a theme is established it typically remains in the inflection point investing llc for several years until another theme, with greater returns available from that point, replaces it.
We take great care to thoroughly research the whole eco-system of companies within a theme, searching for bottlenecks wherever they may exist.
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You are now leaving the AMG Funds web site: The link you have selected is located on another web site. This insight presents a potential solution to help investors seeking U. The Yacktman team does not attempt to prognosticate market direction as part of their investment process. Envest Capital Partners. View All Perspectives. The rally from March to September has lasted months, significantly longer than the month average for all rallies since Mid-Cap U. Funds To Consider. PRCP Perceptron. Investments in international securities are subject to certain risks of overseas investing inflection point investing llc currency fluctuations and changes in political and economic conditions, which could result in significant market fluctuations. More Like This. The results reflect performance of a strategy not historically offered to investors and does not represent returns that any investor actually attained. Source: Bloomberg, Robert Shiller, Yale. Cisco Systems. AMG Funds has no control of the content or data shown on this site, and while AMG Funds has no reason to doubt the reliability of the data shown, its accuracy is not guaranteed. Over time, the challenges facing investors change.
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