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The bank was renamed in the mids after a series of mergers. George Clymer was the bank’s first president. During the early years of the United States, Philadelphia developed as the banking center of the country. The First Bank of the United States chartered in , was based in the city until its charter expired in and was purchased by Stephen Girard and then renamed Girard Bank for its founder. The Second Bank of the United States was directed for most of the period to by Nicholas Biddle , the nation’s first chief banker and scion of the city’s most iconic family. The Philadelphia National Bank was neither the oldest nor the most aggressive of the big banks headquartered in the nation’s birthplace for most of the city’s history.
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The bank was renamed in the mids after a series of mergers. George Clymer was the bank’s first president. During the early years of the United States, Philadelphia developed as the banking financial investment companies in sacramento of the country. The First Bank of the United States chartered inwas based in the city until its charter expired in and was purchased by Stephen Girard and then renamed Girard Bank for its founder.
The Second Bank of the United States was directed for most of the period to by Nicholas Biddlethe nation’s first chief banker and scion of the city’s most iconic family. The Philadelphia National Bank was neither the oldest nor the most aggressive of the big banks headquartered in the nation’s birthplace for most of the city’s history. It went through a number of charter changes and minor upheavals until merging with the Commercial Trust Company to form ‘s Bank of North America and Trust Company.
That didn’t survive long; by the s, 1st Pennsy had transitioned to banking in the s, and it bought the old bank inand shortly thereafter renamed itself the Pennsylvania Company for Banking and Trust. It was led in the twentieth century by an increasingly ambitious and risk-taking financial investment companies in sacramento of directors.
Another merger with First National Nank in brought another name change, prepending «First,» and the First National branch at Chestnut Street was maintained until the Wells Fargo period. Serendipitously, Chestnut is next door to the original location of the Bank of North America at Chestnut. PNB, on the other hand, maintained a reputation for financial caution and civic responsibility. On occasion, the bank made headlines for quiet innovations, such as when during the late s it led all the nation’s banks in ending the practice of «redlining» poorer neighborhoods so that personal and small business loans could be extended to residents of poorer city districts, or when, during the middle s, the bank helped universalize ATM banking by building one of the nation’s first and largest network of banking machines, known by their acronym, «MAC», for Money Access Center.
By the dawn of the new age of banking in the late s and s, when lending grew highly competitive and banks began vying for power and influence by buying each other, PNB was well positioned to compete. The bank was particularly aggressive in the then-developing Middle East oil-rich states. The real estate bust of the late s, accompanied by high interest rates and rates of foreclosure, did not hurt PNB to the extent it did its more highly exposed crosstown rival, First Pennsylvania, which never completely recovered from the temporary collapse of the real estate investment trust REIT industry and was eventually swallowed up by PNB in Meanwhile, Corestates Bank of Delaware would focus on lending to the many corporations, including chemical giant DuPontheadquartered in the low-tax First State just south of the Pennsylvania border.
George W. Strawbridge, Jr. Morris Dorrance, Jr. In the rash of regional bank takeovers that occurred near the end of the twentieth century, CoreStates was then acquired by First Union Corporation of Charlotte, North Carolinain First Union later bought Wachovia National Bank in and the combined company took the Wachovia brand.
Wachovia Banksuffering losses during the financial crisis of —was acquired by Wells Fargoheadquartered in San Francisco, California. It has long been known for the oversized bell on its uppermost floor that once tolled noon over the city’s financial district, once centered at the foot of its building but now moved farther west among the office buildings lining West Market Street.
First Pennsylvania Bank’s Centre Square twin office towers, with their iconic «Clothespin» sculpture by Claes Oldenburgshifted the center of that district west at its opening in In the bank opened a second Center City office complex on Independence Mall at Fifth and Market Streets that became headquarters for its operations divisions. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. This article includes a list of referencesrelated reading or external linksbut its sources remain unclear because it lacks inline citations.
Please help to improve this article by introducing more precise citations. December Learn how and when to remove this template message. Retrieved Wells Fargo. Henry Wells William Fargo. History of Wells Fargo Wells Fargo account fraud scandal. Category Commons Wikiversity.
Categories : Defunct banks of the United States History of Philadelphia Financial services companies established in Financial services companies disestablished in Banks established in Banks disestablished in American companies established in American companies disestablished in mergers and acquisitions. Hidden categories: Articles lacking in-text citations from December All articles lacking in-text citations Pages using deprecated image syntax.
Namespaces Article Talk. Views Read Edit View history. Languages Add links. By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. Bank holding company. Acquired by First Union Corporation.
Wachovia now Wells Fargo. Financial services.
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