You can sell a huge number of snacks and drinks near schools, bus stops, and commercial areas. Identifying profitable business opportunities is a sensitive task and this has been keeping the Kenyan youth away from entrepreneurship for long. Additionally you can also provide computer cleaning services. Click on a sector of your interest presented below and decide now on a business to start
Lucrative Business Ideas In Kenya
This means we are rich in Human resource but opportunities do not exist? So I came up with over Business ideas that Kenyans can start today with as little as Kshand make a living:. Research shows many Kenyans have started trusting day Care Schools, Business ideas to invest in kenya is a huge potential business with many parents actually paying over 30, per child depends on Location per week, what do you Need? A clean well-ventilated room with adequate security and you are good to go, you can make UP TO 1, Clean money, and this heavily depends on Trust. How Often do you clean your Car? How much do you pay? Did you know you can join a Sacco in Kenya and be given 5 times the amount saved?
50 Best Small Business ideas & Opportunities in Kenya for 2020
Select the best business, Invest in Kenya, Start a business in Kenya and make profits Now, it is the right time for you to seize immense business opportunities your country, Kenya, is offering to you. Do not let foreign investors take advantages on you Why not starting a business in Nairobi City. Find out more. Food Processing
Best Business in Kenya, Start a Business in Kenya
Select the best business, Invest in Kenya, Start a business in Kenya and make profits Now, it is the right time for you to seize immense business opportunities your country, Kenya, is offering to you. Do not let foreign investors take advantages on you Why not starting a business in Nairobi City. Find out. Food Processing Construction and Real Estate Small Industry Tourism and Hospitality Internet and Computer Services Agriculture is the mainstay of the economy, providing livelihood to approximately 75 per cent of the population.
There is considerable scope business ideas to invest in kenya diversification and expansion of the agricultural sector through accelerated food crop production, processing and marketing. There are also opportunities for improvement in technological infrastructure such as packaging, storage, and transportation. Intensified irrigation and additional value added processing are areas for investments Find out more about business opportunities Construction and Real Estate.
Kenya has a well-developed construction industry. With increase in population, opportunities exist in the construction of residential, commercial and industrial buildings, including prefabricated low-cost housing. Extensive opportunities for investment exist particularly in the area of upgrading slums and informal settlements, urban renewal, construction of middle and low income housing, manufacture and supply of building materials and components.
Small Scale Manufacturing Industry. Manufacturing sector is an area where investment opportunities exist. The sector plays an important role in adding value to agricultural output. A wide range of opportunities for direct and joint-venture investments exist in the manufacturing sector, including agro-processing, manufacture of garments, assembly of automotive components and electronics, plastics, paper, chemicals, pharmaceuticals, metal and engineering products for both domestic and export markets.
Find out more about business opportunities Tourism and Hospitality. Tourism is Kenya’s third largest foreign exchange earner. The tourism industry is growing as a result of the liberalisation measures, diversification of tourist generating markets and continued Government commitment to providing an enabling environment, coupled with successful tourism promotion and political stability. Enormous opportunities exist for investment in film production; recreation and entertainment facilities in the following areas:.
Potential investors can take full advantage of these opportunities through direct investments or joint-ventures with Kenyan entrepreneurs. Opportunities also exist in this sector in the construction of tourist hotels and game lodges all over the country.
Computer and Internet Services. With the incentives and benefits that Kenya has to offer, the following areas can be invested in:. Contact Us. Get a free electronic copy now! Join our Facebook Group. Subscribe to our Newsletter now:. I promise to use it only to send you Africa Do Business Newsletter.
Kenya’s economy is strong and gets stronger and is expending. Click on a sector of your interest presented below and decide now on a business to start Intensified irrigation and additional value added processing are areas for investments Find out more about business opportunities Construction and Real Estate Kenya has a well-developed construction industry.
Small Scale Manufacturing Industry Manufacturing sector is an area where investment opportunities exist.
Find out more about business opportunities Tourism and Hospitality Tourism is Kenya’s third largest foreign exchange earner. Com SBI! Then Don’t worry — your e-mail address is totally secure.
How to Start a Business with No money in Kenya
Sharing Daily Updated Facts From Kenya And Around The World
For example, instead of just selling milk, turn it into mala sour milkyoghurt or cheese. Come up with an online store such as jumia, pigiame, rupu. Now, it is the right time for you to seize immense business opportunities your country, Kenya, is offering to you. Well may be it could be time to offer your services to people out there at a fee. With the development in the automotive industry, vehicles are everywhere now and teens are menya to drive. Kenya is developing continuously and massive construction is ongoing. The good thing about this business is that it offers inveet steady income. The industry is defined as single-establishment stores. The real estate market in Kenya is growing.
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