Daily Maverick. Retrieved 8 December Representation, Expression and Identity. Increasingly the South African government, inspired by China’s success in reducing poverty and promoting economic growth, is looking to China for policy ideas and inspiration in its efforts at promoting growth. In December President Zuma led another delegation of South African government ministers and a representatives of South African business to China [37] representing a further consolidation of warm South African-Sino relations. South Africa was voted onto the UN security council in June this year. RT International.
Chinese investment in South Africa
InChina was South Africa’s largest trading partner. Prior to the fall of apartheid in South Africa relations between the two countries were officially non-existent and unofficially antagonistic. The dismantling of chija apartheid regime in South Africa and the fall of the Soviet Union in the early s opened up the possibility of official relations being established between the PRC and South Africa. Before the s South Africa had a close official relationship with the government in Taiwan for strategic and economic reasons. The handover of Afric Kong to the PRC in was a factor in the switch in official recognition, as South Africa had strong trade links with the territory, then under British administration. Cbina was concerned that after the handover, Beijing might downgrade its consulate and the country would no longer be allowed to use Hong Kong as a transit route for air traffic and trade.
Zuma saw China as an alternative investor source and often had a confrontational attitude to the West. Ramaphosa, by contrast, was perceived to be close to the West, and possibly sceptical about China and the BRIC nations more broadly. However, despite the change in leadership, the future for the China-South Africa relationship looks promising:. Chief among these is crime. High rates of violent crime continue to receive extensive coverage in international media. However, overall rates of violent crime such as rape and murder have declined significantly since the early s.
China’s investment in Africa: Everything you need to know — BBC Africa
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Bilateral relations. From tothere are approximately 37 Chinese official development finance projects identified in South Africa through various media reports. October 3, Retrieved 9 March International Business Times. Retrieved Washington Post. These are the the year’s most encouraging news stories and alarming headlines.
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