Corporate governance matters — rules and regulations pertaining to how a company is controlled and directed — are largely dictated by the laws where the AIM-listed company is domiciled and can vary widely. Archived from the original on 11 February The regulation for companies listed on AIM is often referred to as being light touch regulation, as it is essentially a self-regulated market where nomads are tasked with adhering to the broad guidelines. Retrieved 17 November It allows smaller, less-viable companies to float shares with a more flexible regulatory system than is applicable to the main market.
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The Alternative Investment Market AIM is a sub-market of the London Stock Exchangeallowing smaller companies to float shares with a more flexible regulatory system than is applicable to the Main Market. Flexibility is provided by less regulation and no requirements for capitalisation or number mwrket shares issued. Some companies have since moved on to join the Main Market, although in the last few years, significantly more companies transferred from the Main Market to the AIM The AIM has significant tax advantages for investor s, as well as less regulatory burden for the companies themselves. The AIM has also started to become an international exchange, often due to its low-regulatory burden, especially in relation to the Sarbanes-Oxley Act though only a quarter of AIM-listed companies would qualify to list on a U. Evaluating Foreign Listing Choices over Time» ] ]. As of December over foreign companies had been admitted to the Alternative Investment Market. Aim’s regulatory model The Alternative Investment Market tules an exchange regulated venue featuring an array of principles-based rules for publicly held companies.
Risks of AIM Companies
AIM Rule 19 requires that audited accounts are prepared within six months of the year end. Companies need to provide the following details on their website:. This information should be reviewed annually and the website should include the date on which this information was last reviewed. The information contained in a half-yearly report must include at least a balance sheet, an income statement, a cash flow statement and must contain comparative figures for each of these. For the income statement and cash flow statement these comparatives are required to be for the corresponding period in the preceding financial year, while for the balance sheet they must be either as at the corresponding date in the preceding financial year or as at the last balance sheet date notified.
What is AIM? (Alternative Investment Market) — Reyker Resource Centre
Archived from the original on 13 March As of October 1,just under a third of AIM-listed companies have paid shareholders a dividend within their most recent financial year. The market is open invvestment businesses backed by venture capital, alternativs funding, and other early-stage firms looking to finance their onvestment initiatives. Related Articles. Evaluating Foreign Listing Choices over Time » «. As of20 years after its launch, AIM boasted more than 3, companies that operate in more than countries globally. Alternative Investment Alternative investment market rules An alternative investment is a financial asset that marlet not fall into one of the conventional investment categories. The AIM has relatively few regulatory rules. AIM has been criticized for being a financial wild west where companies alternative investment market rules questionable ethics go for money. In advising each firm as to which rules should be complied with and the manner in which existing requirements should be met, Nomads provide the essential service of allowing firms to abide by tailor-made regulation, reducing regulatory costs in the process. London Stock Exchange. The AIM changed the rules for Nomads in Capital Pool Company CPC Definition A capital pool company is an option for emerging companies in Canada to go public through a buyout by a listed company with capital but no commercial operations. Archived PDF from the original on 2 January Views Read Edit View history. Retrieved 20 November Economy of the Alternatve Kingdom.
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