Argus investment counsel

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Argus Investors’ Counsel, Inc.

AIC specializes in discretionary, separate account, equity investment management for institutional and private investors. Our clients include corporations, public and private pension funds, Taft Hartley organizations, foundations, endowments, and high net-worth individuals. Argus Investors’ Counsel was founded in The process attempts to achieve this goal by constructing a core portfolio of approximately 50 long-term holdings to create a portfolio that has a more efficient risk reward profile and greater diversification than the output of conventional capitalization weighted index strategies. They have worked together since Each has managed equity portfolios through a broad spectrum of market conditions, economic cycles and geopolitical events. She also has portfolio management responsibilities and brings expertise from her years as an analyst of the pharmaceutical and entertainment industries.

Argus Investors Counsel, Inc.

AIC specializes in discretionary, separate account, equity investment management for wrgus and private investors. Our clients include corporations, public and private pension funds, Taft Hartley organizations, foundations, endowments, and high net-worth individuals. Argus Investors’ Counsel was founded in The process attempts to achieve this goal by constructing a core portfolio of approximately 50 long-term holdings to create a portfolio that has incestment more efficient risk reward profile and greater diversification than the output of conventional capitalization weighted index strategies.

They have worked together since Each has managed equity portfolios through a broad spectrum of market conditions, economic cycles and geopolitical events. She also argus investment counsel portfolio management responsibilities and brings expertise from her years as an analyst of the pharmaceutical and entertainment industries. Part of the third generation of management, Sharon is a granddaughter of Harold B.

Dorsey, aggus founded Argus in Prior to joining Argus, Sharon served as an officer and analyst at John S. Herold Inc. She contributes a legal and compliance perspective to the firm, having served as a partner in the law firm of Tyre and Smith before joining Argus.

Sharon invwstment a B. Donna has managed portfolios for AIC clients sinceincluding public and corporate retirement funds, Taft-Hartley funds, foundations, endowments and high-net-worth individuals. Jim has worked in the financial argue industry for over 25 years and joined Argus in He counsdl director of research at Argus and a member of the Investment Policy Committee. Main Sub Navigation Navigation Search. The advantages of the Core Strategy include: Predictability: Produce dependable, repeatable returns invesfment are systematic and do not rely on short term forecast of earnings or economic trends.

Risk Management: Strict equal weighting and ongoing rebalancing manages individual stock and industry risks. Downside Protection: Our process maintains true diversification and has produced valuable downside protection in declining market environments. Sharon D.

Donna M. Palais — Vice President Donna has managed portfolios for AIC clients sinceincluding public and corporate retirement funds, Taft-Hartley funds, foundations, endowments and high-net-worth individuals. Didn’t Find What You Needed? Let us know how we can better assist you. We strive to add incremental value to our offering. Let Us Know. Argus Investors’ Counsel Inc.

Business Overview

Email Address to send data to. Your email:. They have worked together since Is ETF? Donna M. Form 4 — Recent Insider Transactions Loading Our clients include corporations, public and private pension funds, Taft Hartley organizations, foundations, endowments, and high net-worth individuals. Ranking is in the top:. By including women-owned businesses among their suppliers, corporations and government agencies demonstrate their commitment to fostering diversity and the continued development of their supplier argus investment counsel programs.
